If you are here, then you already appreciate the best handmade MIUS gear that you can buy. With that said, I own over 100 bags from Goruck, Brown Buffalo, Dan Matsuda, Trakke, Frost River, Saddleback Leather. I have many of the Carryology collabs as well.
I can tell you without any doubt, that this is one of the finest EDC / outdoor bags that you will ever own. The craftsmanship is top notch and the materials are just as impressive. I carried this bag to the office for over a month and got compliments and questions about it every time. (Forest green and chestnut leather with natural hardwood and I added the inside pocket.) the web site pics don’t do it justice. This bag pops and not in that bad “Indiana Jones office guy” way. This bag is subtle enough to make you look and feel comfortable and professional. Unlike that guy next to you on the elevator with the overstuffed Walmart Jansport. He will be buying a new bag in 6 months when those zippers blow out while you will be rotating.
Now let’s talk about the size. It’s rated at 18 liters but like a Trakke, it holds much more than you imagine 18 liters will. It’s big enough to hold the following items with easy. 16” laptop, Cap 2, 3 Nutsac pouched from large to small, Garage Built Gear pouch, Magpull glasses case, Glock 43 in holster, Zulu 26oz water bottle, American Giant heavyweight hoodie, baseball cap, key, wallet, phone, sunglasses and other misc small items in the front on interior pocket. (Do yourself a favor and add that extra interior pocket. You will be glad you did.)
How’s the weight? Fully packed out, this bag is no more heavy than any other pack of similar quality with the exception of Saddleback Leather bags. They weight more due to them being leather. Honestly, no bag fully packed out will be super lightweight regardless of the materials.
The materials. The bridle leather is beautiful and breaks in nicely after a few weeks of use and I did not notice any fatigue or discomfort. The waxed canvas is thick and feels substantial in hand. Not all thin and floppy like a Journeymen. There are no exterior zippers so no need to worry about that. The buckles do not jingle around when you are moving, even when loosely buckled and one of my personal pet peeves is addressed here. When properly packed out, This bag sits flat! It will not fall on its face like 99% of other bags.
In conclusion, from packaging to product, The Meandering Maker is one of the best kept secrets right now and I would suggest you get yours now before you see his work on JB Outdoors or George Defined and the lead time turn into 12 months like Bexar Goods.
So congratulations on your first purchase and I’ll see you out there! 👍🏻👍🏻